West Africa

Steve & Melinda

Meet Our Missionaries

They heard God’s call to the missions field while attending a short-term mission trip to West Africa. They joined Pioneer Bible Translators to use their God-given skills - Steve is an electrician and Melinda is a nurse - to serve and support missionary teams in Africa, filling gaps and providing care and support. This support allows translators and church planters to work more efficiently in their mission. They arrived in West Africa in the Fall of 2020 and have begun their work as part of the PBT team.


Bryan and Jannet Carruth
Dennis Downing
Bio and Dayse Nascimento
David & Mary Helen Bush
Moise and Altagrace Toussaint
Jose Luis and Valentina Estrada
Robert & Jay Latreille
Matthew & Shaylea McMillan
Filipe and Karen Aires
Greg and Rebecca Pruett
Chankin Family
Marsha Martin
Guilherme and Lorena Schott
Leah and Kalo Kuku

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