Survive to Thrive - Thursdays


Oak Hills Church is offering a five-week bereavement class called Survive to Thrive on Thursday evenings, beginning on January 23, 2025. If you, or someone you know, could use a little help dealing with the loss of a close loved one during the last two years, Survive to Thrive may just be an important part of the path forward. It will be led by Steve Doss, a former hospice chaplain and bereavement care coordinator. We will meet in-person on the OHC Campus, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM in Room W105.

Topics include:

  • Survival mode
  • 10 rights of grieving people
  • Dispelling myths
  • Fresh ideas
  • The valley path
  • Where is God in this?
  • Practical strategies
  • The power of progress
  • Remembering
  • Thriving (it's not the impossible team)

Survive to Thrive is open to adults, members and non-members alike, but registration is required so we can best plan for the number attending.

PLEASE NOTE: Childcare will not be provided.

Crownridge Campus

Steve Doss
Weekly: Thursdays at 6:30 PM
Jan 23, 2025 - Feb 20, 2025
OHC - W105
Contact Class / Event Host