Survive to Thrive - Tuesdays


Oak Hills Church is offering a five-week bereavement class called Survive to Thrive on Tuesday afternoons, beginning on January 21, 2025. If you, or someone you know, could use a little help dealing with the loss of a close loved one during the last two years, Survive to Thrive may just be an important part of the path forward. It will be led by Steve Doss, a former hospice chaplain and bereavement care coordinator. We will meet in-person on the OHC Campus, from 1:30 to 3:00 PM in Room W105.

Topics include:

  1. Survival mode
  2. 10 rights of grieving people
  3. Dispelling myths
  4. Fresh ideas
  5. The valley path
  6. Where is God in this?
  7. Practical strategies
  8. The power of progress
  9. Remembering
  10. Thriving (it's not the impossible team)

Survive to Thrive is open to adults, members and non-members alike, but registration is required so we can best plan for the number attending.

PLEASE NOTE: Childcare will not be provided.

Crownridge Campus

Steve Doss
Weekly: Tuesdays at 1:30 PM
Jan 21, 2025 - Feb 18, 2025
OHC - W105
Contact Class / Event Host